If you would like to book an appointment for termination, you can self refer by contacting us on (0191) 5699150.
Initial assessment
Your initial assessment will be via telephone. Your medical history will be taken and the two different methods of termination that we offer will be discussed. If you are certain you wish to proceed we will book an appointment for you to attend our clinic.
We will also discuss contraception with you and this can be started when you attend for your termination.
Options to end your pregnancy
We offer two types of termination at Sunderland and South Tyneside.
Medical Termination of Pregnancy (up to 17 weeks)
A medical termination of pregnancy involves two stages of treatment and a follow up pregnancy test to check that the procedure has been successful.
At this appointment you will have a scan to confirm the gestation of the pregnancy and sign a consent form for the procedure. Investigations for sexually transmitted infections (STI) and blood tests are also performed.
If you are sure of your decision you will usually commence your treatment at this visit. If you are under 10 weeks you can usually carry out the 2nd stage of the procedure at home.
Surgical Termination of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)
A Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) is a surgical termination procedure that is carried out while you are awake.
At this appointment you will have a scan to confirm the gestation of the pregnancy and sign a consent form for the procedure. Investigations for sexually transmitted infections (STI) and blood tests are also performed.
If you are sure of your decision you will commence your treatment at this visit.
Following your termination
It is unlikely that you will experience any problems following a termination.
You may feel a wide range of emotions after a termination from sadness to relief. Some women may experience longer-term emotional problems following a termination. If you are struggling or need support it is important to talk to someone and ask for help.